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Guiding principles on election of new Presidential Council officer candidates

In the process of electing candidates for new officers, the following considerations should be taken into account:

  1. Ideally, all the major subspecialties should be represented in the council.
  2. Diversity of gender and ethnicity should be aspired for.
  3. Diversity of geographical representation (south, north, east, west) within Europe should be aspired for.
  4. Candidate double roles is discouraged (e.g. simultaneous board membership/presidency/congress presidency in a subspecialty society).
  5. Subspeciality society/-ies should be consulted in case of lack of given candidate(s).


Guiding principles on Presidential Council officer participation in international congresses

In order to promote CEORL activities, presidential council officer participation in international congresses is highly encouraged.

  1. For major international pan-specialty congresses, a maximum of 5 officers can be reimbursed, in accordance with the CEORL reimbursement guidelines.
  2. For minor international pan-specialty congresses, a maximum of 3 officers can be reimbursed, in accordance with the CEORL reimbursement guidelines.
  3. For major international sub-specialty congresses, a maximum of 3 officers can be reimbursed, in accordance with the CEORL reimbursement guidelines.
  4. For large national pan-specialty congresses, a maximum of 2 officers can be reimbursed, in accordance with the CEORL reimbursement guidelines.
  5. Core PC members and next CEORL congress president have priority.