European Study Group for Rehabilitation and Functional Surgery Following Laryngectomy
The European Study Group for Rehabilitation and Functional Surgery following Laryngectomy (EGFL) was founded in 1991 with the aims at:
- reinforcement (by wider dissemination of information) of European potentialities in research on rehabilitation and functional surgery following laryngectomy;
- encouraging European research and clinical networks; promotion of cultural and scientific exchanges at a European level between researchers in this field;
- close cooperation with other relevant international and national organisations concerned with research on treatment of laryngeal cancer and rehabilitation strategies;
Another main activity is the creation of European research networks. This has led to the following European projects:
- the PEGASUS project, the Biomed Concerted Action Project No. BMH1-CT94-1611. Goal of this study was to make an inventory of surgical and rehabilitati¬on strategies for cancers involving the la¬rynx, to categorise them and to make relations between cultural and socio-economical aspects and treatment modalities;
- the Eureka-project 'Artificial Larynx' that was aimed at the development of an artificial larynx as reconstruction option;
- the Eureka-project 'Newvoice' that aims at the development of a new set of prostheses and devices, like a voice-producing prosthesis, new prosthetic fixation methods and new, biofilm-resistant materials, to improve the rehabilitation process.
A new co-operation is started with ESEM, the European Society for Engineering and Medicine that was founded in 1992 and aims at establishing a platform of cooperation between medicine and engineering on a European basis.
EGFL organises a European conference each other year. The last was held in April 2005 in Groningen, The Netherlands. It is important to notice that before formal institution of EGFL, the same Group organized other five Congresses in Europe, the first one in Würzburg (Germany) in 1986. Those Meetings were named "International Congresses on Surgical and Prosthetic Rehabilitation after Laryngectomy" Since April 2005, Prof. Alberto Staffieri (Padova University, Italy) has been chosen as new EGFL President by our Group Board Members. The current members are listed above.